A Powerful Reminder - YOU are the Spoon, you can shift and transform

I went to California for what I thought was a business event. But this was the most powerful event I’ve ever experienced.

I came back home to myself.

I discovered things I had forgotten about why I hold the beliefs I do.

It was an experience of rediscovering myself, loving myself, and letting go.

There was a lot that happened but what I want to share with you is the Spoon Bending meditation.

The picture you see to the right is the spoon I bent!

Spoon Bending

you are powerful

I didn’t know in advance about this powerful meditation we were about to do on Day 2 of the event. They announced it in the morning with this video. My first thought was oh, okay there is no way I will be able to bend the spoon. Then my mind fought with itself - of course you can bend the spoon, you have done what you believed to be impossible before.

When we began the “training” which included the instructions for what we would do and would not do - I let go of my thoughts and decided to just be. I sat in the meditation and let go of any beliefs, thoughts or ideas. All is possible and all is available. Let go.

Through the meditation, the person facilitating asked you to think about an experience of extreme gratitude. What are you grateful for? What do you hold the deepest of gratitude for? The first thought was my two girls and the love I have for them. A burst of energy and light swept through me and emotion. I was filled with love.

She then asked us to think about what we love. And back and forth I thought about what I was grateful for and what I love. We were also asked to think about associated memories.

I thought about my family the one I created. The people I have in my life. And I thought about the two girls I get to be a mom to. The emotions that came into me were so powerful.

My body was flooded with love, gratitude and so much emotion. Tears fell as I remembered the birth of both girls.

I remembered golden light flooding through my body as they both emerged from me and I felt the power we are given as women to cultivate a space of love and compassion while pregnant. I remember the power we have as women to create, to love, and to hold powerful space for life.

I thought of how different both births were but how both were covered with love and light. I held within me, within my cells those moments and my extreme gratitude they were both healthy and breathing. It was unbelievable.

I kept thinking about all I have and all I love. It was simply a reel in my mind of all of it and how lucky I am to have lived and been able to experience this. All while pulsing this energy from my mind, into my body, and through my thumbs and finally into the metal spoon. I felt connected to the spoon in that moment.

When she was giving us instructions she said, “You will know when to bend the spoon. Don’t wait for my permission - do it when it feels right.” She said not to bend it with force but with your energy and vibration from the memories of love and gratitude.

As I became energetically aligned to the spoon and with so much emotion and energy pulsing through me and in my thumbs, I could feel the spoon change. It felt warm in my hands and it felt like rubber. The metal transformed to something else. And in this moment I felt it - bend the spoon. I pushed with my thumbs and hands and it easily transformed in my fingers.

Sheets of tears came from my eyes as realizations overcame me.

The spoon is life. You are capable of tranforming your life through your thoughts, beliefs, and ideas. You are powerful just as you are. But sometimes you need a reminder.

So go bend your spoons.

  • If you have a dream you think is impossible - it isn’t - go do it.

  • If you have a goal that feels hard - go do it.

  • If you have a love you feel is out there - go find it.

Reducing Overwhelm and Stress - YES you can

Are you feeling stressed and overwhelmed? Are you waiting for someone or something to change?

Stress and Overwhelm are common complaints I hear from every busy working woman!

It’s so common, so many of you have just decided it’s okay to constantly feel this way. I mean it’s just the world we live in right?

YES it’s true there will always be stress.

But it is a choice to always feel overwhelmed.

There are different types of stressors you are experiencing - just being aware of this can help you to create a plan and make adjustments.

In this blog, I’m going to share the different types of stress you could be experiencing and I will share ways you can reduce the overwhelm from these stressors.

I know it is easier to believe in a magic pill or that someone is going to help you. Or an external factor - such as “work” is the culprit and if you just changed this one thing - all would be good.

But I’m here to tell you from experience - replacing a job for a new one or a completely different career will not reduce your stress and overwhelm. YOU have to do this.

Quick story - I left my corporate technology career - 2.5 years ago. I had a stressful role along with being a mom to two girls. I thought, when I start my own business my stress will go away.

This isn’t what happened.

So much of what we experience is based on your habits and what you do in your day-to-day!!

Because of this I have learned YOU are the only one who can do this for yourself. i’ve implemented many of these ideas into my life and they have been life changing.

Please note, the idea isn’t to do ALL OF THESE. The idea is to take some ideas with you and slowly make sustainable life changes.

Stress can be internal or external


  1. What you are consuming (this could be in the form of content, food, beverages)

  2. What you are thinking - do you constantly have running negative self talk? This is stressful to have someone always putting you down.

  3. The worry - worrying about things that haven't happened is a waste of resources. Catch yourself and reframe to focus on the present.


  1. What are you saying YES to? Start saying NO to more.

  2. Not maintaining boundaries or having limits to how you are using your most valuable resources 'TIME'.

  3. Peoples opinions or gossip - this doesn't create more in your life and your subconscious is absorbing this

What can you do? You are SO Powerful and can reduce your own overwhelm

  1. First you have to accept - I am powerful and I can make changes in my life. I get to choose and I choose to reduce my overwhelm because there will always be stress in my life.

  2. Find ways to move daily - it doesn't have to be long just move, this helps to move energy through you. If you can work-out and move more - GREAT. But start from where you are.

  3. Create a morning routine that gives you time first thing in the morning to create more positivity in your life - this can reduce stress because you are in a more powerful state to handle your stress of the day.

  4. Prioritize your activities at the beginning of the week - so you know what you can say 'NO' to. This can really empower your week and help you with saying ‘NO’. If you feel like you cannot say ‘NO’ practice in the mirror.

  5. Spend time with yourself - self connection is the most powerful thing you can do for yourself because the more you understand yourself the more alignment you can create to who you are. This could be in the form of journaling, meditation, or walking and saying gratitude. The point is to have time with yourself and your thoughts.

  6. Pay attention to what you are consuming - social media (change to positive and mindful types of creators or people), News - pay attention to how you feel when you watch or read (when I cut out the news —wow did this make a difference in my life).

  7. Choose the relationships you surround yourself with very carefully.

  8. Pay attention to what you are thinking and reframe these thoughts and ideas to empowering ones.

  9. When you start to have “worrying” thoughts - tell yourself, “This isn’t serving me to worry about this right now.” Ask yourself “Is there something I can do to help with this situation now?” If not, then release it and tell yourself “I will worry about that when it’s time to worry about it.” This way you are not wasting energy.

✅ What is 1 thing you are going to try? Comment below and list it so you can committ.